Say Again? Holocaust is not about race!


Recently, celebrity Whoopi Goldberg claimed that the Holocaust was "not about race". This was because she felt that the Nazi genocide against the Jewish people was only involved "two groups of white people". Although she retracted her comments, she was given a suspension by her TV network. 

In this post, I will address her initial comments on the Holocaust.

Different types of white people
The annoying thing that far-leftist do is to assume all white people are the same. It would be naïve to think that a West African black teenager is culturally the same as an East African. Similarly, it is equally asinine to assume a Jew, a Slav or an Anglo-Saxon are the same people.

The Holocaust was definitely about race
Under Nazi leadership, Jews were singled out because of their race. This was evident as 6 million European Jews (66% of the total Jewish population in Europe) were killed during the Holocaust.

In addition, the Nazis also targeted people whom they assumed were of inferior stock. This included the Slavs and the Gypsies.

Every racial group has the potential to be racist
Every racial group has unfortunate potential to judge others by their skin colour, rather than the merit of the individual's character. 

Even within Asia, I have been to places where minority races are discriminated against.

Every racial group has the potential to be racist. To pretend that the Holocaust is not about race is myopic.
