Accuracy in Review: Unbroken

The 2014 film Unbroken follows the World War 2 adventures of Louie Zamperini as he is captured and tortured by the Japanese.

After his bomber was shot down over the Pacific, Louie and his surviving colleague were taken captive by the Imperial Japanese. He was tortured for information, and his fellow prisoners were forced to beat him up at one point. With minimal food, he was assigned hard labour with threats of death around him.

True story?

The film is very historical accurate, in depicting Louie's surviving of his crash and his refusal to broadcast anti-American propaganda. The deliberate singling out of Louie by his prison warden Watanabe was also accurate. Louie was an Olympian, and the Japanese probably did recognise him for that.

The film also has a positive message, elevating the human spirit against the cruelty of the Imperial Japanese.

The untold story

However the film did not cover much of Louie's post war activities, which were even more uplifting. In real life, he overcame his trauma and alcoholism through his conversion to Christianity. He even managed to personally visit his former prison guards to forgive them. (His chief tormentor Watanbe rejected his forgiveness.)

These events were covered in the sequel Unbroken: Path to Redemption, but it did not have a wide reach.


I recommend this film as an inspiration. It shows how the human spirit can make it through the toughest of times.
